Updates||Profile Revamp||Old Stories.

Well hello!
It is I, the chick who never sticks to her word when she says she's back!

I'm not making promises this time, but I am sort of back. As you may have seen by now, I've updated 4 co-writes over the last couple of days. That's because I've finally started to feel like myself again, so my inspiration is coming back in leaps and bounds. I think the trick I needed all along, was a long ass break from everything.

Over the past year or two, life has gone down the pan for me. Things have been incredibly hard, and my mental health has been declining. I even forgot all about my love for bands while I drowned myself in YouTubers and weird memes.

However, since re-discovering my love for music and the bands I write about in the last few days, it feels like a whole weight has been lifting from my shoulders and I'm really starting to feel like me again. Things still aren't perfect, won't be for a long while, but it's getting better and I'm thrilled about it. So big shout out to my partner in crime Kimmi, and our internet mom Steph, for sticking by me and putting up with my shit while I've been going through all this. It means the absolute world to me to know that they're not gonna let me deal with my bullshit on my own <3

Some of my long-time subscribers may have also noticed that a lot of my very first stories from back in 2011/2012 have been deleted now. I'll explain:

I was a fucking pile of cringe when I was 15/16 years old. Like, what the hell was I even thinking? I should've been preparing for exams and college, but no, I was writing that bullshit. I was that asshole that used emojis in the middle of a sentence and still used "rawr" in the A/N and I just can't cope anymore knowing that shit was there. One of them wasn't even finished and probably never was going to get finished, like, ever.

I've taken copied saves of each story I've deleted, and sometime in the future when I'm back on track properly, I may well re-vamp and re-upload them in much better versions than what they were back then. I also may not, I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep people updated on that front.

Some of my old stuff will stay there. Probably old co-writes, maybe the contest entries I wrote. This is partly for the co-writers I once worked with, and partly for me and the other people who enjoyed my contest entries. I'll check links to the old contests and see if they're still there, and if they are then I'll leave the entries up. If not, they'll go, and I'll add them to the list of "might re-vamp in future" that is now on my memory drive.

At some point, I'll also be re-vamping my profile up a little. Old photos will go, new ones may be uploaded, or I'll just take my face off the site completely. I don't know yet. We'll see how I feel when I'm done with cringe-y teenage me.

Note to teen me;
Bitch, go the fuck to bed.

So that's it from me for now. My goal for the rest of this year is to not have anymore abandoned stories left on my profile. Unfinished ones will be sorted out, and hiatus stories will be noted as such. Cringe-worthy works will be long gone, and we'll go from there.

Stay awesome, my dudes. \m/

Song of the day: Alone - Falling in Reverse.
October 6th, 2018 at 04:24pm