Your Encounters!!

Hello Everyone!!

Seeing as today is Halloween, I thought it would be exciting to hear about your scariest, or not so scary, experiences with the paranormal. As you all know I'll be going back to a house to investigate its spirits like I have for many years. Today I wanna tell you about the first time I went to that house and tomorrow I'll share with you my experience from tonight.

So the first time I went to this abandoned house I was living with my father. I was just hanging around with my 2 cousins. We all literally lived in the same road. I mean my eldest cousin lived right across the road from my father's house and my youngest cousin lived basically a football field's length away. Anyways we decided on a whim to go exploring. We wanted to see what kind of cool places we could find. Well we've lived in the same town all of our lives and this house had been sitting there unfinished for as long as I could remember.

It always looked creepy off in the distance when we would pass by it on the afternoon school bus ride home. We had quite a distance to walk but I was well worth it in the end. We walked up this long gravel driveway that a vehicle without four wheel drive would get stuck in. The house was pretty cool and from the outside it looked like a brand new house. Like it hadn't been sitting there for a long time. The house has no doors, no power, no running water, and no windows. Before we even set foot in the house, i could hear the sound of children giggling in the small wooded area at the back of the house. There's no way for kids voices to be heard since there are no other people living around it.

As soon as I stepped inside the house, I got an uneasy feeling. Like I was envading someone's home and they were angry but I brushed it off as my nerves. Well I should have listened to those nerves. We walked around inside looking at the debris from the walls being gutted for their copper wiring. I decided I would record some video from my phone. My camera was working great until we got to one room. Inside the room were chairs formed into a circle and trash was piled neatly in the middle. It looked like someone was fixing to burn it or something. When I stepped foot in the room my phone's camera stopped working. It had completely went back to my wallpaper. It was like someone had pushed it back to the home screen. I tried for several minutes to turn it on but it wouldn't so I just decided to do some voice recordings.

I began by asking basic questions like Is there anyone here with us? and what's your name. I didn't get any responses until I asked that second question. The voice was a man and he said his name was John. I proceeded to ask more questions and found out that he had died due to heart attack. I didn't hear any of these answers with my own ears and neither did my cousins. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed. I could feel a negative presence around me before I felt burning on my back. My eldest cousin lifted up my shirt and saw 3 long scratch marks that were dripping with a little bit of blood. There was nothing I could have scraped up against and I couldnt have scratched my back with my nails because my hands were occupied with my phone and a Pepsi bottle.

I asked the spirit if he scratched me but there was no answer. Then I asked if he didn't like us being there, to give us a sign as we would leave. Well I got more than just a small little knocking sound. I heard with my own ears and felt the breath of a man yell get the fuck out before one of the chairs levitated off the ground and went flying across the room before the legs of the chair got stuck right in the wall. That was enough to get me to leave that house. When I was outside I tried my phone's camera again and it started working. I took a few continuous photos all the while seeing black wispy shadowed masses running by the doorway. These black masses took up the entire door frame.

When I got back to my eldest cousin'a house I reviewed what I had recorded and the pictures I took. I was amazed at what I had gotten. On what video I took, there was the same black mass I had seen running by the doorway when I was outside. I had a few voices but they were distinctly 2 different older male voices. In the dozens of pictures that I took I only caught one figure. I believe this to be the older man who had told me that his name was John. In the window you could clearly see a head and shoulders. The head had very pronounced facial features of a man in his mid to late 60s wearing a hat. I call the hat he was wearing a truckers hat because of the mesh sides and solid . You could clearly see that the hat's color was red.

It wasn't long after I got back to my father's house that strange things began occurring. I would hear noises, things would be moved around, and cabinet doors would be open. I believed this to be the entity that cussed at me and threw the chair. It had followed me home! Of course when I told my father about it, he didn't believe me but I knew and saw what I saw. It took some time to cleanse the house and send the person or whatever back to the house it came from. Ever since then, I've been drawn back to that house and every year I go back but I'm never followed home.

So what did you all think about my encounter? Pretty weird huh? Let me know in the comments what your experiences have been and what would you all have done in that particular situation? I can't wait to read your experiences!

October 31st, 2018 at 04:41pm