It's Been a While! + NaNo Progress + Other Stuff

So, first off... Clayne Crawford is my new and only hero now. He's been absolutely amazing, and he's honestly the sweetest guy ever. He's liked my replies on his tweets four times, and I love him to bits! Anything you hear about him that he hasn't said himself is a flat out lie/rumor! I also got a cute new teacup chihuahua puppy as well. She's cute, but she can be a troublemaker. It's hard to look after her a lot of the time. My dad also finally got his check today as well, and I'm hoping we'll be able to go grocery shopping some time soon. We need food. I also reached 3110 words for my NaNo project this year. That's a record for me since the last two years have been a disaster. I really like where the story is going at the moment. My Halloween was really nice too. I went as Share Bear this year because I have a Share Bear costume onesie. It was fun to trick or treat again and show my costume off to friends/neighbors. They always seem to look forward to me going around.
November 1st, 2018 at 04:24pm