I Don't Know What It Is

Not sure if my capitalization is right but whatever. I went to LA over the weekend and it was so great. I actually wish I could post the video of us surprising my friend because it is hilarious. She walked in with my other friend, we were all hiding behind the couch, and then we popped out and screamed, "Surprise!!!!!!!!" and then she screamed BLOODY MURDER. Like she was terrified and so confused, it was the funniest fucking thing.

We stayed up till like 4 every night and spent the days eating so much food and going to cute places. The brunch spot we went to yesterday was practically in a greenhouse and it was so beautiful I could cry.

I'm definitely sad to be back but it's also a super short week because of Thanksgiving, so it'll pass and the holiday week will hit me like a freight train. I'll also be posting pics later today on my Instagram if you wanna check 'em out (@raveenaalam)

But regarding the title of this blog, I'm a little confused at myself because though I had a blast there were still a lot of moments throughout the whole weekend where I just felt...empty. Like alone in a crowded room kind of feeling. Maybe it was because I had a headache Friday and Saturday and my stomach hurt Saturday and yesterday morning (is this a sign i'm getting old lol), but it was just weird. I usually have the greatest time and forget about all my troubles when I take a trip, hence why I take so many trips, but this is the first time I ever felt like that when I had no reason to be. I also don't know if I'm making sense lol.

But anyways, I updated The River and the Sea twice this morning because I got inspired so check it out, if you wish. And I hope you all have a great week!!!
November 19th, 2018 at 05:14pm