Reviving the Mibba Accent Challenge

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, on a website much like our own...

Well, it was our website, so... yeah.

A few years back, when our beautiful Mibba was a bit more on the active side, our community was kinda weird and out there and full of cool ideas to do with one another and get to know each other better. After all, even if time has passed and things have changed, people still get onto Mibba from all corners of the world.

Quick off-topic ramble, but isn't that just the oddest expression when we know the world is a globe and doesn't have corners? End off-topic ramble.

Anyways, a while back the community was doing a lot of cool things and "challenges". One said challenge was the Mibba Accent Challenge, which was created by (I THINK) bona drag.. Again, I don't know who exactly created it, I'm pretty sure it was bona drag. (previously mia san mia) but people have definitely changed usernames and so it's a little muddled. If anyone remembers, lemme know!

I came across it after going through all of my old YouTube videos and was just hit with nostalgia. I know everyone always talks about trying to "revive Mibba" and I feel like bringing back a bit of the old might help just a little. If anything, it'll be cool to hear everyone talk!

I'm a sucker for accents!

I'm not going to post a new video for right now, I'll probably post a new video for this maybe tomorrow or so. I look a mess currently so I don't want to even record myself or see myself, honestly!

Instead, I'll link you to my original blog about the Mibba Accent Challenge FROM FIVE YEARS AGO. I'll also embed my original YT video here for now just so we can all laugh at myself. Again, I'm so sorry for how I ramble in this video, I'm pretty mortified and hope to redeem myself, but we'll see. And lastly, I'll include the "rules" of the challenge that should be fulfilled!


Mibba Accent Challenge Questions

1. Your name and username.

2. Where you're from.

3. Pronounce the following words:
Out, About, College, Almond, Look, Book, Route, Garage, Vitamin, Zebra, Water, Aluminium, Puppy, Derby, Caramel, Tea, Electric Kettle, Premier, and Mibba.

4. What do you call the area outside buildings where multiple vehicles park?

5. What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?

6. What do you call gym shoes?

7. What do you call your grandparents?

8. What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?

9. What is the thing you change the TV channel with?

10. Read a passage from a book.

11. End by saying any 3 words you want!


I hope you fellow Mibbians can help me revive this fun challenge! Hope to see your videos soon!

November 22nd, 2018 at 01:05am