My Lucid Dream Theory

A lucid dreamer is someone who has complete control over their dreams. Meaning that while their minds are in a dream state or subconscious state that person is still consciously aware within their dream. They are able to make every decision and shape every outcome while they are in their dream. While the average person has no control over any of these aspects, a lucid dreamer does. Some may think that this may have something to do with the intelligence level of an individual, but in actuality it's a learned skill. It just takes time and applied practice. The definition of lucid means clearly expressed; easy to understand. In order to clearly understand something, one must first become obsessed with the process of earning and possessing such. If you've been reading up to this point you're probably thinking that I'm talking about subconsciously dreaming, but what I'm really talking about is consciously dreaming, living in your dreams during the day. That's the type of lucid dreaming I'm talking about. This is for everyone who has just a dream. What I mean is, anyone who has only an idea. Without a vision behind that idea a person is only dreaming. It is until that vision is planned and implemented for that person to become a lucid dreamer as opposed to just a "dreamer of the day" Granted I do agree with the famous quote dreamers of the day are dangerous, because at least those people are dreaming. But in my opinion it is the people who are visionaries of the day who are the force to be reckoned with. The difference between a visionary and a dreamer is that a visionary is a person who has sat out an action plan or mission to embark upon, while on the other hand a dreamer is merely an idealist. Meaning their plan of success only lies and always remains in their thoughts and is never manifested into action.
As stated before this is a skill that is learned, it doesn't happen overnight. In order to become a lucid dreamer or visionary, everything you want to accomplish must always be in front of you. For example, it must be written down every day and spoken every day and you should have something behind you that drives you forward to accomplish it. It may be your kids, your family, your financial situation. Whatever it is, it should be used to hold you accountable for the things you write down and say and motivate you to keep striving through whatever life throws your way.
Everyone has the capability to become a lucid dreamer. Lucid dreamers of the subconscious mind and the conscious mind, but both can only be achieved through applied practice. If you want to become a subconscious lucid dreamer (meaning while you sleep) you must make efforts during the day to be aware of everything that goes on around you. For example: paying attention to your surroundings, write your dreams down after you have them, set you intentions of what you want to dream about (yes you can tell yourself what to dream about), and dream-induced lucid dreaming which means realizing that you're dreaming when within a dream. On the other hand lucid dreaming while conscious can be accomplishing through applying the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative circumstances into their life. For example, if all you speak about is how successful you’re going to be in life, how great your business is going to do, or how you’re going to pass that test, by law, the universe will respond to you accordingly. Therefore if you’re a person who constantly thinks negatively, speaks negativity, you’re destined for negative circumstances to succumb into your life.
Either way you look at the term lucid dreaming both subconsciously or consciously, they both provide an individual with complete control over their life and their dreams. With this being the case I encourage everyone to give this concept a shot as you have nothing to lose and all to gain.
November 24th, 2018 at 06:05am