Hi, I'm Back. Well, Kind Of. | Writing Challenge? | Weight Loss Journey

Hi guys! I know I've been gone for ages, but I'm going to try and get back into writing again. I've had a couple story ideas in my head over the past couple weeks, so we'll see how well I'll be able to execute them. I think that maybe instead of full original stories, I'll add some fan fiction on here too. That way I don't feel so pressured to come up with amazing original stories all the time. I've gotten so much good feedback on Calm Before the Storm I'm almost terrified to start anything else because I don't think I'll be able to produce something as great as it.

Well, how will I get back into writing? I'm going to challenge myself! I might put it in the Contests and Challenges category, but I'll explain it here to start.

My goal is to write at least 1,500 words a day, which is roughly 45,000 words a month. What counts towards these words does not matter. It could be a blog post, a poem, a story chapter, or anything else that I feel like it could fit in there. I'm hoping to maybe keep this up for a full year, and to keep incentive up, if I reach 45k in a month, I will reward myself by buying something I want.

In the next blog post is where I will keep track of all of my progress.


Now, on a different side of things I'm trying to lose weight! On October 26th I had a breast reduction surgery, where I had 6 pounds of fat and tissue taken off in total. Since, I have been eating healthier and actively trying to lose weight. I will reward myself the same way as the 45k, where if I reach a goal weight, I will buy myself something I want.

So, I'm going to explain how I have been losing this weight. Daily I eat between 1,000 and 1,200 calories, due to the fact that I can't exercise while I'm recovering. In the morning I will usually have one egg with either a bagel or english muffin with cream cheese. For lunch I will usually have either a bagel or toast with bacon and provolone cheese. Then for dinner I will have a small snack pack, usually with apples and caramel, as I don't need much in the way of energy at night.

Now that you understand how I'm losing weight, I'll share my goal weights. Everything I am using will be in pounds and inches. My first goal weight is 200, then 175, then 150, then 125, then 100. Now, it may seem like 100 is a little low for an end weight, but I am 5'1 and currently physically female, so 100 is actually a healthy weight for me.

So, yeah, this is how my life has been.
November 24th, 2018 at 06:20am