Where Have I Been?

I'm not sure how many of you noticed that I have been gone for practically two months. But I'm here to let you guys know where I've been. I'll just like to warn you guys this will be a TMI blog and it'll be deal with health issues. And you'll see me get really pissed off as well because these last two months have been hell.

This all started a week after my 27th birthday. On September 25th, right after my period ended (told you there'l be TMI shit), I started feeling symptoms of a UTI. If you're a female I'm sure you know the signs of a UTI. Burning sensation when you pee, itchy, urgency and frequency; totally uncomfortable. I've dealt with UTIs before so I figured I could just drink cranberry juice and take probiotics and I'll be good. A week later, it doesn't get better but it gets worse. I started getting bladder spasms and there is gross gunk in my urine, which I now know was fecal matter (again so for the TMI shit). I go to the ER because it was late at night and I don't have a Primary Care Doctor or health insurance. They tell me I have an bladder infection and put me on an antibiotic for UTIs as well as something for bladder spasms. A week passes and I finish my antibiotics and it comes back a couple days later.

Repeat me going to the ER but this time I get an ultrasound done on my ovaries because I was complaining about cramps. They also do a pelvic exam on me as well. Still saying I had a bladder infection but I also found out I have ovarian cysts on both of my ovaries. They send me home with an another different antibiotic.

Repeat this two other times. One was an urgent care visit and another ER visit. Both times I get sent home with antibiotics.

From the urgent care visit, if I came back within 9 days the visit will be free. So I went back and the doctor told me to go to the ER because he pressed on my stomach and it was tender and he believed I had urine retention. So I go to the ER and they do an ultrasound on my bladder and kidneys. They said my bladder was inflamed but wasn't sure what was causing it; they still believed it was just a bladder infection. Sent me home with yet another antibiotic. And a week later, shit hits the fan...

Last Sunday I went back to the ER with really bad abdominal cramps. Fecal matter was still in my urine and the ER doctor called for a CT Scan with contrast. They found a 6cm abscess in my abdominal area. They believe my appendix ruptured and turned into an abscess since I've been on antibiotics for the last two months. I get admitted into the hospital Sunday and was discharged Tuesday. I was on IV fluids and antibiotics from Sunday night til Tuesday morning. The surgeon and urology didn't want to do an operation Monday because it would have had happened at 6pm and also didn't want it to be a bigger surgery than it needed to be. I was stable and not septic, thankfully. If I had surgery done, it would have been a bigger incision and they'd have to clean out my abdomen completely, it would have been done like an emergency surgery would have been done. But again I was stable. I only had a fever Sunday. So they sent me home with more antibiotics, but this time these antibiotics treat appendix ruptures. These are to help minimize inflammation.

I have to make an appointment with urology and a primary care doctor to see when I'm able to take out my appendix. The reason why urology is still involved despite this not being a straight up bladder infection is because of the fecal matter in my urine. They think it's either a fistula going from the appendix to the bladder or my intestines to the bladder. The surgeon believes the connection is between bladder and appendix. I also go back for another CT scan in about 3 weeks.

With me being as sick as I was I just had no motivation to do much. I couldn't write or even play sims 4. I literally laid in bed most days and slept. It was depressing. But thankfully I'm feeling much better and almost human again. I can't believe it's taken two months to find out what has been bothering me. Most of my symptoms remained the same, so I found know why they didn't order more tests. Yes I don't have health insurance but honestly that shouldn't matter; it sucks that it does. Also the surgeon mentioned that they probably didn't do a CT Scan sooner was because of my age and the fact I might want kids someday. They were worried about radiation effecting my ability to reproduce more than my health at the moment.

I've missed so much work these last two months but thankfully I work in an animal clinic that cares about my health and my well being. I love my coworkers so much because they've all been so supportive and caring throughout this whole ordeal. But now since I'm feeling better, I'm back. I'm hoping to post updates for my stories as well as posting a few Sims 4 blogs.
December 4th, 2018 at 07:03pm