Wow, Mibba, Did You Die?

This is so depressing, guys.

I just can't believe that this place is so dead. I mean, it's not dead, but it's dead! I was like waiting for comments on my recent giveaway blog, mentally preparing myself for the flood of comments that's usually to come, but I guess no one's feeling it or something?

I have three comments on it so far. That's so sad. I remember when I used to do Mibbaween bowls that I would have like 50+ comments on them. I mean, I'm not asking to be drowning in comments, but I just find it disappointing that the community is slowing down.

People barely post blogs, people post stories, but not at the rate they used to. And how can I blame them when I can barely get anything out as well? I just finished the fourth chapter to a story I'm working on - and it wasn't even that long at six pages, but I'm burned the hell out.

I don't know, I just miss old, active Mibba.

Feel free to check out my giveaway. It's not much, but enjoy yourselves.

Find it here.
December 10th, 2018 at 03:44am