Goals for the New Year: AKA, That Time I Jumped on the Bandwagon

Two thousand eighteen has been an interesting year. In truth, I haven't thoroughly enjoyed any of it, it hasn't been particularly happy and certainly hasn't been easy, but even with all that it's lacked, somehow it has managed to be good (aka, beneficial)
I'm grateful for much that has happened this year, but I am looking forward to having more fun in nineteen.
(so weird to be in the teens again, my grandma was born in 19; that was a hundred years ago!)

There are a lot of things I would like to accomplish in the new year, and I thought (aka, was inspired by VxiL and nearly witches) that it would be a good idea to jot some of those things down here.

1) Complete my first year of college.
It took me forever to start college, and I don't regret that because I am sure of what I want to do now, whereas before I would have thrown time and money at a thing that held no real interested for me.
However, now I am in it and, I am committed to completing my goal. Frankly, how incredible will that feel?

2) Save money.
Saving money seems like a no-brainer, but sitting down to it and being committed to setting aside money every chance you get is a different story. I am transferring to a university in two years, and I would like to be comfortable.

3) Being more balanced.
I have had this tendency in my life to throw myself into one task and forget the world. While that's not always a bad trait to have, I would like to temper it so that I can be more personally responsible.

4) Staying fit, building endurance.
I suppose you could say I started early, but I want to amp it up into the new year. I want to strengthen my back and core muscles and get in shape for hiking this summer. My goal is greater stamina, and leaner.

5) Read more!
I love reading, so it seems ridiculous that I have so many unread books at my disposal. I want to explore Dostoyevsky more, and I want to chip away at my neglected books. So far on my list are:
1) Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
2) The Beautiful and The Damned - F. Scott Fitzgerald
3) Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
4) The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
5) 1984 - George Orwell
...to name but a few.

6) Write more.
I enjoy writing, I just have never had a knack for fiction. College has been good for me in this regard because my classes have forced me to write and compose my thoughts, which I forgot how much I enjoy.
During winter break, I have written a couple of film reviews, and I would like to continue writing reviews throughout the year.

Those are (most) of my personal goals for the new year. I am hopeful for 2019, and I've noticed that other's are too, so that is at least encouraging.
My motto for the year is this:

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"
December 29th, 2018 at 01:37am