Gimme Your Funny Animal Stories

The boyfriend decided to brush his cat's fur today. He claims she loves it, but the look on her face told me she didn't care for it that much. And then the greatest thing happened. He looked up at me while he went to brush her and accidentally hit his cat in the mouth.

If you know anything about cats, you know that she wasn't pleased.

Boyfriend of course laughed a little and told her he was sorry and then went right back to brushing her. I warned him, and told him, "You probably wouldn't like it if someone hit you in the mouth either."


I'm not joking. The cat meowed and then she smacked him in the mouth with her paw. It happened like twelve hours ago and I'm still laughing.

Boyfriend's face for like five minutes was in a state of, "Wow, I can't believe she just did that."

Well I can. XD He was so shocked that she actually smacked him. I don't think she's ever done that before. She was really upset with him. (Or, more likely, she can understand English and completely agreed with what I said.)

It was great. I wish I could've recorded it, because it was great. I'm dying from laughter. Just dying.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be working on making all of those story comments I promised in my giveaway. KC is getting a storm this weekend that actually may start tomorrow? Or tonight. I've heard the weather is supposed to do fifteen different things; no one knows what's coming only that it could be awful... or it could be nothing. Welcome to the midwest everyone.

1. What's your funniest animal story?
2. How about second funniest animal story?
3. ... How about third funniest animal story? Just gimme all the funny animal stories.

January 17th, 2019 at 02:54am