It Wasn't Meant To End Up This Way__xX

Sometimes, we put our trust in people.
We give away parts of ourselves to others that aren't physical. They can't be seen. But they're such a huge part of you, and you trust them not to break you.

I guess I never should have trusted.
He seemed like the perfect guy.
Sweet, charming, funny, and, of course, handsome. Not to mention trustworthy and easy to talk to. I guess we'd always gotten on well, but then...something changed.

Something I can't place, but suddenly, we weren't 'friends' anymore. We were more than that.
I can't tell you how much that meant to me. I can't tell you how it felt, being so close to him, and sharing parts of myself that I had kept to myself before.

And now that it's all over, we're right back where we were before.
No, not where we were before.
We've gone back past that. Back to before we ever meant anything to each other.

I don't understand anything right now.
I don't know how I could have meant so little to him.

It's over.
And I love him.
October 25th, 2007 at 12:30am