New Story (Though It's Been Updated Twice!) + Rant on Some Superheroes Didn't Like as a Kid, but Grew to Appreciate as an Adult

I finally did it! I posted the first chapter of High Voltage and I even updated it with a second chapter. I'm on a roll! So, I've been watching Iron Man and holy Jesus, I never realized how awesome he was. But sadly, Iron Man never felt like an interest Marvel Superhero to me, probably because he was pretty much like Marvel's version of Bruce Wayne only possibly smarter in terms of being able to invent things and more full of himself. So yea as a kid, I glossed over Tony Stark, I even glossed over the Iron Man cartoon that came out in the 90s.
Yes, there was an Iron Man cartoon that came out in 1994 and oddly enough, four year old me didn't watch it, let alone like it. Even though Iron Man eventually crossed over with the 90s X-Men, 90's Fantastic Four, and a few other Marvel Cartoons at the time in the 90s Spiderman cartoon. But hey, I appreciate that there was an Iron Man cartoon way back then because at least Iron Man wouldn't have been too low on my superhero radar Superhero radar, wtf am I talking about? LOL.

You know what DC superhero I didn't like too much but yet I liked the cartoon his solo cartoon in the 90s?
Yeah..... well this cartoon came out in right between 1999 and 2000 but close enough because the 90's Superman did start off in the 90's Batman cartoon so yeah. But yeah, Idk why but I didn't like Superman all that much even though I loved the cartoon he was in. I was probably watching The Adventures of Superman in hopes of Batman coming on. Which he did, though not a lot whenever they have someone like the Joker teaming up with Lex Luthor, you can bet Batman would catch wind of it and make his way to Metropolis. But yeah, Idk why I disliked Superman, maybe because he was way OP (overpowered) for a superhero and he was like Steve Rogers, always playing by the rules and never bore any ill will towards anyone? And Lois Lane didn't help me like him any better because she always sought out trouble and would berate Clark Kent for not being there when Superman came to the rescue (and she didn't piece together that he was Superman until roughly about the Justice League cartoon came out!).

Yeah I still liked the Adventures of Superman, it still played a part of my childhood and made me like the Justice League and another of my favorite superheroes was born from the DC Nation.
Anywho back to Iron Man. I think what made me like Iron Man nowadays is the fact that Robert Downey Jr's portrayal of Iron Man makes the character likable whereas sometimes a cartoon isn't enough to do a superhero justice.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go find something to eat because I'm hungry.
March 29th, 2019 at 04:29pm