#6 - How Active Is Mibba? Web Traffic Statistics?

Mibba is a quiet place, and I love it.

Just like a small town, not much going on, low population and outdated technology, it's traditional, old-fashioned and classic.

In this small town, parents know parents, kids play with kids, they love each other, they support each other and they marry each other(!? or not); they celebrate birthdays and grieve deaths and they are in gathering, they don't miss any festival and holiday, they are always doing it together.

Mibba is just like a small town.

But how small and how quiet?

Current time in Washington, DC ‎(UTC-4)‎

12:27 AM

Friday, April 12, 2019

1020 total members.

17 stories updated.

4 poems posted.

0 magazine, lastest one, about a month ago.

0 article, lastest one, about 2 months ago.

0 review, lastest one, about 2 months ago.

0 tutorial, lastest one, about 5 months ago.

Books, unknown.

2 blogs, plus this one, 3 blogs posted.

Forum active rate, a little.

Messages exchanged, unknown.


How active is Mibba? No so much from the data.

How active is Mibba really? Unknown.

There are silent members and unregistered users.

Is there a way to know the state of Mibba? Glad to know the answer.

How many users have accessed Mibba today? What have they read or writen?

Over the history of Mibba, in its peak, how many users accessed Mibba and when? when did the number start to decline and why? Mibba still was what it had been, or had any disaster, catastrophe or drama brought Mibba down?

Is it important to know the web traffic of Mibba? Yes, it is.

Thanks everyone as always, glad to have you around, be well.
April 12th, 2019 at 07:15am