#12 - Don't Know How to Write? (2)

Writers are among the most respected in our society.

People admire them.

People follow them and wait in a long line to meet them.

A book with a signature from the author would be kept like treasure.

People see them as celebrities.

People want to become one of them.

Not because of fame and fortune.

It's because of a strong desire to share ideas and thoughts.

Writing is the best way.

Additionally, writing skill is of the most crucial in modern life.

Massive opportunities are there for people who have good writing skills.

So people want to write, should write and have to write.

And they have to write well.

Fortunately, millions of things are already there to help.

Books, videos and classes online or in school.

You would almost believe that everyone could write and write greatly.

And be shocked when found that few people write and rare do it well.

They have ideas and thoughts.

They have known the language since childhood.

They have dictionaries and grammar books.

They have teachers and instructors.

They have hundreds of books, the best of the best books, on the shelves.

Most importantly, they have a burning desire.

They have everything they need or even more so to become a great writer.

When they are ready to put the first word on paper, they get stuck.

"What the hell!?" pops up.

Writing is so different from speaking.

Writing is much harder than they've expected.

All of what in their possessions don't help.

They are frustrated and even angry.

They scratch their face, pull their hair and sigh a deep sign.

And you know what.

They say f*ck it and quit.

They are the characters in a tragedy, the worst one.

Why don't all of these writing books, videos work well?

Why is writing so difficult?

Can we acquire it? And how?

There are the questions for your guys today.

Please leave comments or send messages to share your thoughts.

Thanks and see you next time!
May 7th, 2019 at 06:32am