Unsent Letter: AKP (5.13.19)

I really hope you feel the same way about me. I was just asked about my feelings for you, and I honestly know what I want to say, but I just don't want to say it. Hanging out with you, I lived for the moment when you smiled, and your nose twitched, and your eyes blinked. I suppressed it for most of the time. Knowing we're both in healthy relationships, I was resigned that we would never happen if we had any feelings for each other. But now, I'm not so sure. After-party really hit me hard. I couldn't and can't stop thinking about you. All those moments with your head on my shoulder, and my head on your head are honestly my favorite moments. You make me nervous, you give me butterflies. You're the person I look for in every crowd, and the person I want to make happy. You probably don't feel the same way, but I had to let you know how I feel. I really like you. You're one of my best friends, and I hope that we can stay that way, no matter what happens.
May 13th, 2019 at 09:44pm