
I am so happy!! Hello fellow mibbians, it's been a really long time since I was on here, but I am so psyched to be back! I plan on writing on this website again. I have never been more inspired than I am now to write! I don't know what triggered it, maybe it was a bit of everything? I did apply for a journalism internship where I live and I finally beat Kingdom Hearts III.

Honestly though I am just inspired to write and write. The ideas are flowing out of my mind and being put on paper or in this case Microsoft Word. Haha. Who uses pen and paper anymore? Ever since I got a laptop I've been writing digitally.

Also, in case anyone's curious, I'm married now! I have been since October 2016! I love my husband, he supports me in everything I do and I couldn't be happier with anyone else.

I want to have some active friends on here too, so if anyone wants to talk PM me or just write on my wall. Also, if you have some good stories link them my way, I'll happily read them. That goes for you too, if you are interested in my works, don't be afraid, read them and comment if you like.

Anyway, I am so happy it's infectious feeling haha.

Halloweenlover out!
May 17th, 2019 at 03:16am