#20 - Signs You Are Going to Be a Great Writer(6) - Respect The Readers

Life is not perfect.

At least, most aren't.

We have highs and lows.

We experience love and hatred.

We struggle and confuse.

We pursue our dreams.

We succeed and we fail.

We get excited and we feel frustrated.

We want to be happier.

We want to be smarter.

We want to be stronger.

So we have families and friends.

And we read.

We read to know the world.

We read to learn and make us knowledgeable.

We read to know how to face fears and difficulties.

We read to find solutions to solve problems.

All in all, we read to get happiness.

And we have schools or jobs.

We have responsibilities.

We are not kids anymore, who don't need to worry about anything and have enormous energy and leisure.

We are so exhausted when we go back home.

And we stil have our homework and housework.

We have million things to do and to think.

But however tired we are and however bad our condition we are in.

We still love to read.

We are always going to find time to read.

Even we know time is precious and energy is not in its fullest.

Still, we read.

Reading is our breath.

Great writers know that.

They know that whole-heartedly.

They know what we have been experiencing and suffering.

So they ask themselves before anything else.

* Why would people trouble themselves to read my writing? *

There are lots of other things people could spend their time with.

* Why this writing? *

Great writers ask those questions over and over.

And they always answer them in this way.

They believe in what they write.

They believe firmly that their writings are some of the most interesting and the most valueable to the readers.

Whether they are for the purpose of entertainment, education or comfort.

Great writers want to make different and make the world better.

They think and reflect on the issues.

They go to libraries and Internet to collect information.

They interview experts who have been in the field their whole life.

Then they organize and assemble the materials.

People are busy and tired.

So great writers would try everything to make their writings easy to read, easy to understand and fun.

They make the important overt and the trivial covert.

They use simple language.

Readers wouldn't need too much background knowledge.

So that they can digest the information easily.

Some great writers even make their writings more rhythmical, like a song, readers can easily feel the emotion and mood in the writings.

Great writers always think about their readers.

They care about what the readers do, what their lives look like, what their struggles and conflicts and what they want and need.

And great writers want to help.

Whether to make the readers happy or make them strong or make them knowledgeable.

They would try everything they could to achieve that.

Their writings are full of energy and wisdom.

And they are so immersive that the readers would forget all the trouble and noise in the moment.

Great writers respect people's time.

They respect people's trust.

They would never betray their readers.

They know that the day they betray them is the day they lost them.

They always put their readers first.

And they know that without readers, their writings are just meaningless pieces, consisted of empty words.


There are some questions for you.

Why do you read?

How do you allocate your time for reading?

What should a writer do to be respectful of the readers?

Would you like to spend some time to talk with your readers to understand them and to know how your writings would benefit them?


Alright, it is all for now, thanks again and let's talk with our readers more.
May 20th, 2019 at 07:04am