#25 - Signs You Are Going to Be a Great Writer(9) - Think for Themselves

Great writers are great thinkers.

They raise questions and try to find the answers.

They are not people who write about things they just have seen and heared.

They never take sides blindly.

They put aside their emotions and beliefs.

They trust nothing but careful reason and cross-examination.

They do research themselves.

They go to libraries and Internet to collect information.

They interview people who were participants.

They even go to the place and environment to experience themselves.

They make efforts to find cues and traces.

They examine and infer.

They are like scientists using tools and methods to analyze the phenomena.

They know that their writings have to base on their own experience and reflection.

How would they know "Roses are red" if they haven't seen any rose before?

How would they know "Love is sweet" if they haven't fallen in love before?

How would they know "Reading is very important" if they haven't read some great books before?

Even all the information and knowledge are brought in front of them, they still wouldn't be satisfied.

They would ask themselves.

Are those information and knowledge really true? How could I verify them?

What if the reports or people are not telling the truth?

How could all these things really prove anything?


They doubt everything.

They don't take anything and anyone for granted.

They would never accept a thing as a fact before they find the reason.

If they couldn't feel absolutely sure about something, they would say it aloud, let the readers to judge for themselves.

Great writers would do one thing before they begin to write.

They make their mind clear.

They put all the things they need very carefully together.

They show these things in an organized and systematic way.

They see their readers as uninformed and unknowledgeable.

Even for topics about complex things, Their writings are still so simply formed and so easy to comprehend.


There some questions for you.

Who do you think are great writers? why?

What writings of these great writers have you read? How did you feel about these writings?

Do you love to think and reflect on things yourself? What things have you been thinking lately? Are you willing to write something about them?


Thanks again, you guys are really smart and cool, very happy to have conversations with you.

Be well and take care!
May 27th, 2019 at 08:34am