#26 - Signs You Are Going to Be a Great Writer(10) - No Excuse

Writing is easy and simple.

All you need are a pen, pieces of paper, some knowledge of language and ideas you want to share.

That is IT.

That is all you need.

Some people said they wanted to write.

They had ideas and opinions.

They wanted to share them with the world.

They said that becoming a writer was a dream.

They wrote some pieces.

And then disappeared.

Some of them were gone forever.

And Some reappeared months late.

They would give their reasons why they hadn't written anything since last time.

They would tell you that this time was the time.

Then they disappeared again.

We are living in a very busy world right now.

We are not kids anymore.

We have schools or jobs.

We have our families to take care.

We have relationships to maintain.

We study and learn.

We take breaks and have fun.

At the end of day.

We are exhausted and there are nothing left.

You have hundreds of reasons to not write.

You are busy.

You are tired.

You are not in a good mood.

You need inspiration.

So you delay and procrastinate.

You pray for tomorrow.

You keep talking to yourself that tomorrow is THE DAY.

But you don't even know what THE DAY really means.

And THE DAY never comes.

So you wait, wait and wait.

You just wait.

After a while, you quit ... again.

You are one of the most creative and intellectual person in the whole world.

You have millions of brilliant ideas in your mind.

You have everything you need there to help you.

But you wait and you quit.

It is a shame.

It is a tragedy and it is a big one.

Great writers are not different from you.

They have to go to work.

They have friends and families.

They are busy and exhausted.

They have things to think and worry.

Some of them are broke and living in a small one-room apartment, working on a low-paid job.

Even worse, some of them are in a very bad physical or mental condition.

They never try to make excuses for not writing.

They seek every opportunity to learn and practice their writing skills.

They get out of bed early in the morning and go to bed late at night.

They spend less time on their social life.

They get rid of all the unnecessary distractions.

They spend most of their leisure time on writing.

They never bet on inspiration or a good mood.

And they know that the only thing that can bring them to the greatest is to doing writing itself.

They write almost everyday.

Writing becomes part of their lives, like air and water.


There are some questions for you.

Everytime when you are about to procrastinate, what would be your reason?

Do you think these reasons are really valid?

Are you willing to spend more time on writing?


Don't make excuses and procrastinate.

Let's write today.

Thanks guys, that is all for now and hope you enjoy it.

Be well, and have a great day!
May 28th, 2019 at 09:07am