#31 - Does Reading Help Your Writing?

How's everyone been so far in June? Hope you guys all be good.

I haven't written for about six days and I regret.

I am not having writer's block or out of subject or lost interest, actually I gained some momentum for my writing at the beginning of this month.

In May, I made a decision that I would write as regularly and frequently as possible until it became a habit. I did it in most part, that was a really great experience, I learned so many things about writing and it made me a bit more confident in continuing my journey, I will share some of the lessons I've learned in my future blogs.

To take my writing skill a little bit further, I made some plan for June that I would write something about background knowledge and vocabulary, so in the past six days I put my writing aside and read some great books about poetry and literary criticism, I hoped it would be beneficial for me.

Has my reading helped my writing? The result is mixed, I am more pessimistic and don't know why.

The more I read the little I want to write, it is so opposite to that the more I write the more I want to write, and I don't know why either.

Reading other people's books is like seeing throught other people's eyes and thinking throught other people's mind, I am not being myself while reading and I can't be anyone else either.

* I am in a state of nobody while reading other people's works. *

When I lay myself on bed and close my eyes, so many things would be going on in my mind and going fast, so vivid and imaginative, but when I sit down to read, they are all gone, my mind slows down and even gets lost.

It seems that I am thinking the way the author thinks while reading her or his work and stop thinking when stop reading, it is so strange, I have never felt that way before, probably because I have been writing for a while and the way my mind works and the purpose of reading have been transform and changed.

Would reading hurt my writing? I don't know, probably not, maybe I was doing wrong, but right now, I am a little bit towards "Yes, a little bit."

At this moment, I think that reading is mostly for expanding vocabulary, improving grammar and learning new forms and styles.

Ok, that is all in my mind I want to share today, I hope it would be helpful in some way.

As always, I am open to comments and messages, if you want to talk with someone about writing, literature or any other things, just let me know, I'll try my best.

Thanks again and happy writing!
June 7th, 2019 at 06:43am