I Still See Your Twitching Ghost

So it's now been four years since I woke up on Good Friday and found my dad dead on the couch. Four years and I'm still having dreams about him, dreams that he's still alive, like the dream I had this morning. I don't remember much about the dream, other than that he was still alive. I hate these dreams, so much. They're the absolute worst.

A second runner up would be the fleeting thought of “hey, I haven't heard from dad in awhile, I should call him”. I've had that thought twice now and it's almost as frustrating as the dreams of him. The image of him dead on the couch, eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling, doesn't bother me anymore. I've gotten used to it; it's always in my head, even now.

I'm not looking for any advice or sympathy. I'm just venting here. Maybe I'll stop having dreams about him once I stop blowing my money on stupid crap and save up some more and finally bury his ashes where he wanted them. Not scattered in a random spot in Kentucky. Long story and I'm still pissed at my sister for it.

If burying his ashes doesn't work, maybe the guys from Ghost Adventures have some advice, lol.
July 26th, 2019 at 05:32am