Let's Talk About the Big A and Story News

The big A. Anxiety. I haven't always had this. Depression I've had off and on for years. I know roughly around the age it started. Anxiety just snuck up on me and took root. I would never wish something like this on someone. Ever. The constant what ifs. Or the overthinking. I literally didn't sleep worth a crap for almost a week because I would think about everything when I was trying to sleep and it would be right there when I got up. Worrying if I would have enough money to help out my parents. Worrying about everything. I spent 2 weeks trying to budget my earnings to see if I was going to have enough money for a vacation. A vacation that I have months(because it's in May) to plan for. I'm not even sure there is going to be one because they haven't mentioned if they still want to took off for that week. But my mind literally was like "Oh but we need this budget to be perfect". "You need to redo this." "Nope you messed up. Gotta start it all over.". I went through three notes books just rewriting it. Making sure I had money for everything. Down to the last dollar. Because I was so worried I wouldn't be able to pull it off.

And like I said I'm not even sure there's going to be vacation time then. Even now my mind is nagging at me to do the budget just perfect but I had to tamp that down because I don't have the patience to keep writing it. Especially not knowing for sure. I have a couple of things I use to help lessen it like chamomile tea.That helps me sleep better than anything else. And cbd suckers. I don't use those often. Just when it's super bad. But they work for me. I'm hoping that I can learn to keep it at bay more. Because it's always gonna be there.

~*~ On to Story News ~*~

So I'm working as much as I can on getting chapters out. It doesn't seem like it because I don't update often but I don't have alot of time to myself during the week to sit down and get them written so I usually write on the weekends when I can carve out time.

I am working on a new story. Well trying to. Listening to Hail to the King one day and it was like BAM new story. I'll talk more about that when I work everything out. Like the plot lmao.

Happy October y'all!

October 6th, 2019 at 07:17am