I've been writing more...

I find myself on this site a lot. I don't think I'm over it yet, you know? Like I used to be on this site all the time. I had friends on this site and I worked with so many talented authors to create stories on this site. I swear, all my spare time in my teen years, I was on here.

But now, I live in the real world, where I have barely anytime to myself. And I don't even really have a life. I haven't written in years, not really. But all my ideas and dreams linger. They've been pushed into the back burner so long that now they're starting to boil over, spilling over the stove. I can't ignore it anymore. I don't even know why I started to ignore it to begin with.

But now I feel stuck, stuck because I want to write. But its a leap of faith, and I've never been any good at that. I need to get over my fears and just write because it makes me happy. I don't even have to be any good.

I'm my own worst enemy.
October 24th, 2019 at 11:57pm