A Series of Unfortunate Events: 2019

Hi, uh, long time no see.

I've been kicking around this site for many years now and have come and gone over that time for various reasons, but, never this long.

2019 has truly been the worst god damn year of my life and I am glad to see the end of it. At many points I didn't think I would. This year has had my lowest lows I've ever faced - losing people precious to me, my sense of belonging, my career, my health and my sanity. I quickly found I wasn't equipped to deal with anything 2019 threw at me - and it knocked me down for a long, long time.

Thankfully, I have some great people in my life who saw me through each hurdle even though I crumbled.

So, apologies for the radio silence. Here's to this year being over soon and hopefully some updated stories.

Thanks for sticking around, if you have.

- Christina :~)
November 10th, 2019 at 02:33pm