Narcos fans?/ Anyone Down for A Good Ol' Comment Swap?

None of my gifs for this blog want to work and I'm irritated about it.



It feels like its been ages since I've really been on this website. It kinda has, actually. I don't have much time with work and catching up on sleep when I have days off, but I told myself I'd work towards writing more this year.

It's not necessarily a 2020 goal or anything. I've just missed writing, responding to comments on my work and such, discussing things I like about other peoples works that I've read. That was one of the things I absolutely loved about this site when I first joined, and I'd like to go back to that. Feeling inspired right now is just a bonus, courtesy of The Mandalorian, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (I've got beef with the ending, what about you guys?) and most importantly, my current Netflix obsession, Narcos.

This show. Holy shit, y'all, this show is fantastic. The only reason I decided to watch this show in the first place was because I needed more Pedro Pascal in my life after The Mandalorian, because, I mean...

Who doesn't?

But let me tell ya, all it took was just that first episode to hook me in. If you need a great example of how to introduce a character, the first episode of Narcos is what you need to watch because their introduction to Pablo Escobar is fucking phenomenal.

That said, I knew a little bit about the history of the Medellin Cartel and Escobar's (incredibly violent) legacy before going into it, and I KNEW that there was no way in hell I'd be rooting for him in any way shape or form by the end of it, even if the show isn't an entirely truthful, dramatization of what really went down.

In the very beginning of the show, I was rooting for Javi and Steve, of course. They're the protagonists.

Javier was my particular favorite because like I said, I needed more Pedro Pascal in my life after the Mandalorian.

But then I got few more episodes in and they really started to introduce the sexy bastard that is in the banner of my blog layout, who I take my new profile name from:


Oh my cheeseballs.

Insert. Heart. Eyes. Here.

This badass, straight up savage mofo totally snuck up on me as a favorite.

Carrillo is a character who was created just for this show; he didn't actually exist, though there's speculation (or maybe it's confirmed?) that he was inspired by Hugo Martinez.

Regardless of whether that's true or not, what a character. I don't know that I've ever had a character that struck a chord with me like this one (this of course very much credited to the magnificent acting of Maurice Compte). I mean, I'm not gonna share spoilers or anything, but I CRIED watching Episode 4 of season 2. I'm actually not even through the episode yet because of the feels.

I have never had this happen before.

I could sit here and give you a whole big long life update and really explain why this character struck me the way he did, but I don't want this blog to be massive. It's just a comment swap blog, really, so I'm going to sum it up pretty quickly:

For nearly a year now (it will be a year come the 28th of February) I've worked as a corrections officer on the county level (I work in a county jail. My official title is Deputy Jailer) and I am extremely passionate about what I do. It takes very special people to go into any branch of law enforcement (or the military) and people who have never been in a line of work where you spend more time with your coworkers than you do your own family, where you have to rely on your coworkers or your teammates to have your back and to protect you when shit goes down, they don't understand the bonds that form out of that. They don't understand that protecting the people who have your back in return takes such a place of high priority, especially when you're in a leadership position, and failing to do so in anyway whatsoever is a serious blow to your pride.

This is something that Narcos really highlights about Carrillo's character; his passion for his fellow officers and his anger on behalf of those who have been hurt or killed by Pablo Escobar and his sicarios is something that I related heavily to. His character is basically the embodiment of the quote "evil is powerless when the good are unafraid" because he can't be bought with Escobar's money, he can't be corrupted, and he's not afraid of him.

And the only time when you do even see him a bit unnerved, he literally calls up Escobar and levels the playing field. He basically tells him, "don't try me bitch, because I'm not afraid to fight just as dirty as you."

So. Fucking. Badass.

I love it.

Anyways, I obviously have some major feels.


In an attempt to channel some of my feels (and also because I'm trying to kick myself in the ass enough to write more) I have a new project entitled Guerra, that I would love feedback on, so I'm proposing a comment swap!

I've only posted the summary so far. I'm not at all satisfied with it, so if anyone has any suggestions for what I could do with it, I'd love to hear feedback. I'd also love some feedback on the layout, as well.

I'm down to check out and drop a comment on anything, whether it be a chaptered story (I will read at least the first chapter), just a summary and layout like Guerra currently is, or even a couple of poems.

Hit me with your best, Mibba!

January 21st, 2020 at 05:21pm