Camp NaNoWriMo

I decided that since I'm stuck inside, I may as well enjoy my time and take part in Camp NaNoWriMo. I've never taken part in something like this before since I couldn't even get my count up high enough, but I think I want to take the time of social distancing and get the novel I've had ongoing for two years done. I think I can finally do it this time, but I definitely want to get as much as possible.

The novel I'm going to be working on is The Death List. I was posting it on Mibba, but I recently saw another blog of someone talking about how publishers like "first publishing right" to new and upcoming authors so I've decided that I won't be posting any more than the first chapter.

Also, if you want to be friends during this adventure you can find me here: Ne0nAbyss.
March 28th, 2020 at 05:33pm