Dream of All Dreams

Good afternoon.
I am writing this while tired and not ready to live.
So my dream last night was one of the coolest I'd ever had.
For some background, I loved the show Outer Banks. It was amazing and I loved all of the characters. Including JJ, who is played by Rudy Pankow. He is fuckin hot and I have come to love his personality he shares through interviews and his social media. Anyways, I started writing a story that has him as the main character, but I changed his last name and molded his personality to fit my story because I don't actually know him as a person.

Ok, so the dream starts with me at this college campus. It is set up where there aren't dorms, only locker rooms, minus the showers. They are the size of standard bedrooms and have concrete steps that act as seats with small lockers you would find in a gym locker room. Anyways, all of the students had their own assigned lockers.

So, it starts with me walking around campus on something of the orientation day. No one had books, backpacks, or belongings. There were thousands of students just aimlessly walking, with no events seeming to be around. I walked near the registration area in the main office to try to figure out what was going on and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone looking at me from across the courtyard, just outside the office. I looked over and met the eyes of Rudy, himself. He did the whole look away for a second, then look back, then look away thing that everyone does when they think someone is attractive. I smiled and gestured a small wave because I wasn't totally sure if he was looking at me or someone near me. He gestured a small wave back, smiled, and walked away from the area. I was in a daze and couldn't believe it was ME he was kind of flirting with from 500 feet away. I turned my head back to focus on the registration desk and I noticed ANOTHER person looking at me, this time much closer. On the other side of me, about 3 feet away, was Austin North, who plays Topper in Outer Banks. He was ALSO smiling at me and doing the whole flirty look thing. I had no idea what to do, so I just felt embarrassed and started blushing. I couldn't help myself. He chuckled lightly to himself when he saw my face turn red and said, "Hi." I said "Hi" back and he smiled again.

The dream jumped to me sitting outside somewhere on campus at a secluded table by myself. Someone named Aaron or Ian came up to me and told me about something he needed me to help him with, like a search for information on him, but I wasn't allowed to contact him by phone, so he wrote down his Instagram username in invisible ink. I pulled out my phone to search the username to complete whatever task he had asked me to do and he left.

As soon as he left, Austin came back and sat down with me. He gave me his phone so I could type in my number for him to take me out. He was so cute and kind and I don't remember what he said or if he said anything but it was sweet. I remember fading out and everything turning black.

I woke up in my dream in Aaron/Ian's apartment bedroom with him next to me writing in a notebook on the floor. I was in what seemed like a guest bed, but I had no idea what the fuck was going on. He looked up at me and said, "Oh good, you're awake." I asked him why I was there and what the heck he did to me because I was scared as hell. He said, "Oh no, nothing like that. You passed out and I took you back here because that guy Austin left right before you fell over. I walked back towards you to ask you a question and I figured something bad might happen to you if I just left you there. So I just brought you back to my apartment here right next to campus." He explained. I was still confused as to how I passed out.

I don't remember leaving his place, but I remember getting back on campus and it being the next morning. The whole outside grassy area was filled with students wearing crazy medieval costumes, but with a dungeons and dragons sort-of twist. I didn't understand at all what was happening, so I went to my locker to try to get my things and leave. I arrived at my locker and there were costumed people talking amongst themselves at a low volume. I noticed a note was taped to my locker that said "KILLED" with a riddle underneath it. I was even more confused and turned around to see if anyone was watching. A group of about 4 people came up behind me, all wearing bedsheets over their bodies like a ghost costume on Halloween. They all had hats on over the sheets which varied from a pile of sticks to Viking helmets. They were telling me that in whatever shit that the rest of the students had going on, I was not to participate because I had been killed and they were going to finish me off? I was annoyed because I didn't know what game was going on and how serious everyone was, so I picked up a jar of salt or sand or something and just started throwing sand in their eye cut-outs of the sheets. They all hissed at me, so I grabbed my purse and black jacket out of my locker and booked it out of the room. On my way out, I needed somewhere to hide, so I shimmied down some kind of storm drain and hid for 5 seconds then came back to the surface and continued to run. I ran so fast and didn't know where I was going. I saw Rudy a little further down the hallway by himself and I slowed down. "Oh my god, what is going on???" I said, out of breath. "You're the killed aren't you?" He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Yes, what the fuck??" I said still fuckin confused. "You have to go, but I will find you, ok?? I can't be seen with you right now, they'll get me, too. You have to go but I'm going to find you." He grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. I nodded and ran fast away from him towards the apartment I had just come from.

The dream jumped again where I was in a dark area of the campus. It was quiet, except for one small group of guys. I looked around the corner to see Austin in a knight costume, without the head piece. He caught me looking and left the room to come talk to me without alarming the others. He got incredibly close to my face and asked, "What are you doing here, you shuldn't be here." "I don't know where I am, I'm just trying to figure out what is going on but no one will tell me. I am so confused and scared. No one will help me." I pleaded. "You can't be here and I can't tell you anything. I don't want you hurt, but you have to leave NOW." He said, sternly. He stormed back into the room and put his helmet on with the rest of the group and I took that as my cue to hide. I ran out of the area, went down a corridor and found a door to another hallway. Everywhere was empty, not like it was before. Everything was silent and calm, but with a little bit of tension, like I was in a horror movie and my time was about to end. At the end of the hallway was yet another door. I opened it to a dark room with only the emergency lights on and there stood Rudy. He had his head down with his right hand rubbing his face in frustration and his left hand in his pocket. He heard the door open and he immediately ran to me as soon as he saw me. "I've been looking everywhere for you." He hugged me and held my head in his hand. "I was so scared. What happened??" I asked. "The whole school decided to play this archaic, fucked-up game and didn't want to get you tangled in it. It's like some tradition from a fraternity I think." He explained. I looked up at him and asked, "You protected me, didn't you?" He smiled and nodded. "Does that mean you like me? Can we go on a date now?" I giggled. "Of course," he said. He put his arm around me and we walked out of the school together.
May 31st, 2020 at 08:09pm