To ANY and ALL my readers!

Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is going to read this let alone care enough but...I have decided to start writing on WATTPAD as well. I recently posted a new story on there that I'm almost done writing! I'm sorry that I never finished any of the stories I have written on Mibba. I lost my creative sense for these stories as well as inspiration for them. Maybe one day soon I will get back to them (at least I'm hoping so)! Please feel free to jump over there and give your girl some love, no pressure!

Lots has happened in my life that prevented me from finishing any of my stories on here. Depression, addiction, mental health issues, a horrible mentally abusive relationship, and becoming a single mother. We won't even discuss losing my job at this point. I tired to get back into writing and finishing the stories that I had on here and just couldn't. There was nowhere for me to go in any of them. I'm seriously hoping that I can just sit down and finish off at least one of them so that it's complete. I owe you guys that at least as well as myself. I worked hard at these as well as my co-writer. So please, forgive me if they sit a little longer.

I really enjoyed you all reading and commenting on my stories. All of you were so great to me in my early stages of writing and posting. I was scared when I first started but once I started getting amazing comments and messages it boosted how I felt regarding such things. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Everyone is scared the first time they post something as was I, but trust me...YOU CAN DO IT!

Please don't be shy, my username on Wattpad is RayvenJane. Drop by and say hello! For now my unfinished work will sit here but maybe in the near future I will finish my work and post it not only here but over there as well. Who knows what the future holds right?! Just remember: this is never goodbye, just see you later.

With ALL of my love and gratitude,

Cheyenne <3
June 17th, 2020 at 05:20am