
Oh wow! It's been forever since I've been here. Well, lots has happened in the five years I've been inactive. I met Hozier (a dream come true....speaking of him, I won't update "My Neighbor Andrew" I don't have any further ideas), met Dhani Harrison again (picture up later) in 2016. My nephew is 22 and he's MARRIED! He married a beautiful, kind soul named Hannah. He runs a dojo, he's so well spoken and I'm proud. My niece Jenny is 20 and works at Starbucks and I hardly see her because of the job. My cousin Alejandra is 19. She joined the National Guard but had to stop her service due to an injury she suffered while training. My other cousin Ethan is 18 and graduated high school. I turned 35 years old in April. I'm still best friends with Kay. I ended a 10 year friendship with an ex friend because she never made the effort to visit me but certainly had time to visit her goody two shoes Christian friend Morgan, who by the way I can't stand. The one who didn't make the effort to see me would lie and say she was broke and was stressed out. You didn't seem stressed when you went to the movies or hang out with her. I'm glad you call HER your best friend because MY best friend doesn't lie to me. If she can't make it, she doesn't make me wait like an idiot at the food court while her ass is asleep.

I've met a lot of good friends through other good friends. I joined the Queen fandom in 2018. Now I've been a fan since I was little but the movie (yes, movie. It's great!) gathered old and new fans. It reignited my love for them. Especially Roger Taylor. I got to see Queen + Adam Lambert (yay! I've been a Glambert for 10 years) last year and the show was friggin' amazing! Thanks dad for the tickets. I took my sister, She had a good time. I even dressed up.

Oh and I have a YOUNGER sister. It was a surprise for sure. She's a year younger than me. Wow my dad was a manwhore TWICE.

Anyhoo. I gotta get back to work. Peace out!
August 5th, 2020 at 06:46pm