Hey! New Writing Plan!

Hi! I know i haven't updated anything a day or two (or just a few days). I've been trying to think of a way to get back into writing and like make a writing schedule and stick with it. So yeah. I was thinking that since I have an original story posted, I'll try making the chapters of White Frost (and really interesting--hopefully x.x). And I also want to post a fanfic too (one that everyone can enjoy obviously xD) and yeah, I want to alternate between working on two stories at once, one that's an original story and the other that's a fanfic. And like I want to spend a week working on one chapter so that i can take my time in writing out some decent quality chapters for everyone to enjoy.

I also want to get back into reading stories on here as well so that no one feels neglected, especially in this state that Mibba is in right now.

So every Sunday, I'll start writing out a new chapter for my stories than post them on Fridays.Or a bit sooner if I feel satisfied with how the chapter turned out. As for what fanfic i'll be writing, I've decided to continue my massive MCU/X-Men fanfic project (if i can find out where I can actually begin with that project I'll get right on it xD). Most likely I'll actually get a banner to be made for Clarity and make an entirely new layout so that I can officially repost it (with some minor edits).

Anyways, it's late here so I'm going to bed. I'll get started on writing tomorrow and I'll see you all tomorrow! Feel free to drop links to stories you want to share. Also ask Calli (she said poptarts) about joining the Mibba Discord because it seems like a lot of us have flocked there and it's the easiest way (for me at least) to get my stuff out there to everyone and to keep in touch with everyone too (even tho it seems like i'm not on discord all the time but i do try checking in once or twice a day to say hi!).

September 14th, 2020 at 09:38am