Feeling Alone (part two)

Well this has to do with my last journal entry. So if you read that one and thought it was over the top then you might not want to read this one because this is just a contusion on about the same situation.

Well i never had the chance to talk to Kylie. Well some how she found out the i was talking to my friend Kelly about how i was feeling about the way Kylie was acting. So yesterday she talked to me and asked what was going on. I told here everything that was bugging me. But all that she got out of it was that i was trying to change the way she acted around here friends and that was not what i was saying. All i said was that what she had done this week was making me feel awkwarder. I think you can guess what is happening now. We are not talking to each other and i feel if i talk to her then more drama will come out of it. So i think that i will just leave it alone for now and see what will happened.

October 27th, 2007 at 01:38am