Soft Return

Lifetimes have passed since we've talked last
It's been a wild journey,
And here I am still.

Reflections have shattered
Repaired and shattered
Shattered piece by piece
But here I am still.

So much has changed
Yet so much remains the same
I'm older now,
Richer in stories and experience

So many lessons,
Now comes the time to connect
To connect the dots
From the stories and the lessons
To sharpen the tools
The tools I've been given
In order to guide the path

Don't give up.
Don't give in.
Sit with your pain,
And know I have been there too
And I am here now.
You are not alone.

I don't know if I'm ready
My voice is in it's cocoon
But I will stay
And sit here with you
Until I'm ready to share.

I may have lost my rhythm
The words are pouring
As rigid as they may seem
Authentic and raw
Unedited and true.

The world is on fire
But so is my soul
My mind and body are failing me
But my soul is clear as day
Love is rising over the horizon
It's warmth and light are returning
Like sun rays warm the skin
On a warm summer's day

It's coming back,
And although I can't see it
I can feel it,
And I can point in that direction

Talk soon. The sun is coming.
August 21st, 2021 at 11:32am