Friends? Don't make me laugh!

So in addition to me being a touring rock star (note the sarcasm) I also have 'normal' friends...You know these preppy pieces of shit you hung around with when you were 12 and don't have the guts to put it at end...

So neither of them knows about me being in a band, so anyway, my whole point was that I took a sick leave from my 'normal' job so I could tour a little with my band and also told my friends I'm sick and shit...

You probably think I was bombarded with phone calls and flowers and teddy bears and rainbows since I was gone for more then a week...Think again!


These are people I knew for years! I always had their back, no matter how much gossip and lies I heard about them I never left, always tried to stay by their side.
Make them better when they were feeling down and I don't even get a motherfucking call?!
None of them bothered to check up on me, to make sure I'm alive.

Well I hope they have a nice life (the sarcasm again).
October 28th, 2007 at 06:29pm