another rant.. go me..

okay sooo.
here goes another little rant of mine.

for all you little "i'm random so i'm cool kids", big whoop. everybody whos anybody can be random. it's just a nature of our freaking being. so yeah, you're not cool. thats basically what i'm trying to say i suppose.

and all you "oh lookie i'm vegan. you people who eat meat suck" kind of people, half of the animals we eat probably wouldn't exist if they weren't being eaten. if that makes any sense at all to any of you, but its true. chickens probably would of died out like the dinosaurs and there would be no cows. (and i love cows <3 so i'd be sad) and if you think that i'm totally for animal cruelty because i eat meat, then you're a freaking idiot. i never said i was for animals having the living poop beat out of them. that is completely and entirely wrong. anything that lives shouldn't ever be abused.

and for all you "oh lookie at me, i'm emo" kind of kids, you're just a poser. emo is a freaking genre of music. and it just so happens that it totally died in the 80's. so get over it. you're not cool.


okay so i feel better now. and i'm going to go finish watching the red sox kick some rockie ass. =] woot. go red sox.
October 29th, 2007 at 08:53am