You Were Everything A Girl Could Be

Soon I am going to go with Jojje to the cabin :D I can hardly waiiiiit <3<3
like, haven't I the most amazing and mothereffu wonderful boy friend ever? <3
gah baby, why do you love me really?

and I talked to Cary too today, she had a break down and says her body hurts - she want to go home bu they're not done with her yet so she choosed to stay.
I think she is strong, really she is. All this shit she have gone trough and still she is there to listen to all the shit people is going through now.
you want a list about all she does? I can give it to you, just have to remember were I threw it away.

oh, and Jojje wants to say hi to Cary too!! XD XD I forced him to do it or else he won'tget laid get a kiss

Hey Nilsie, it' Johannes. I got forced by Micke like you know if you even bother to read about what he write. I don't really get the point why I have to write here, you already knows that I love and miss you since I say it to you everyday when you/Micke call. So I just think you are unnecessary writing to each other when you talk so often anyway.
But OK, Love you sweetie, I know you gonna get well soon and then I'll take you to the pub.
-- Johannes
ps. you two need to learn how to spell.

I think I just got second thoughts about posting this, or sending his comment to her....
he is stupid, but fuck, I can't stop loving him if my life depended on it <3<3<3<3<3<3
October 30th, 2007 at 04:18pm