"OmG!!111 B3rT iZ SoOoOoo eVIll!!!111"

Ugh. I hate how teenies write fanfics about Bert being all evil and shit.
Seriously, why do people write fanfics about Gee being the good guy and poor Bertie McCrackers being the bad guy?

Sure, Bert talks shit about MCR, but that doesn't mean he's the bad guy.
You never know, Gerard might've done something really hurtful to him....

and I think its a good thing that Bert actually talks about the whole arguement with Gee.
If Bert never said anything, we wouldn't have known about it, 'cause Mr. "I'm gonna not say anything so fans will think Bert is the bad guy" Way won't say a word about it.

So teenies, please, stop thinking Bert is evil and shit, because he's not.
He's actually a really nice guy.
He's just a bit strange.... that's all.
October 31st, 2007 at 07:48am