
Have you ever fallen for someone who you thought was it?

I have. Gosh, I fall easily, everyone knows it. You show the slightest hint that you swing my way, I'm head over heels. And this time, That actually happened. But to hear from an incredibly bitchy friend, who has a bad reputation, that they said they would never like me, because "I'm dumb and ugly" Heartbreak much? I just don't know what//who to believe anymore. Luckily, I've had my Ash//LemonWedge to talk me through it and help me understand, at least why. I was in denial the first time around. He couldn't have said that, she's just lying to me. But I hear stories, from every point of view that exists in my life.

I wouldnt put it past him.

Don't listen it's not true.

He did say, He told it to me.

Don't date a boy, Stupid faggot.

Every point of view. I have to learn to take a direct aproach to everything, and take it slowly, and in my stride. As the overused saying goes, There ARE plenty of fish in the sea. I just need a better net. I guess i'll just move on. I'm sick of this happening, Im going to keep myself until the right one comes along. I don't mind waiting for him.

Morale: Don't all over at the train station, while chasing your one. It's quite shamefull. But it happens.

I can wait all day.
October 31st, 2007 at 09:40pm