Happy Birthday Frank [[a story]]

**This is a short story my good friend Jessica Romance wrote me for Frank's birthday. Enjoy =)

Once upon a time there was girl named Danielle. Halloween was her favorite holiday because of the candy, dressing up and because it was Frank Iero's birthday. But this year was better because she was going to met My Chemical Romance. So after school, her and her friend Jess, got into her brother's car. Jordan drove them to the cd store where they got in line. About ten minutes later the band walked out and Frank smiled to Danielle. They got to the front of the line and Danielle smiled nervously at Frank and he smiled at her.

"I'm Frank."

"I'm Danielle."

"I think your friend is in love with Bob." Frank laughed pointed to Jess who had attached herself to Bob.

"She is."

"What about you?"

Danielle blushed and Frank grinned. He leaned over and placed a light kiss on her lips. He pulled back and she leaned for placing a light kiss on his lips.

"Me maybe?"

"Happy birthday Frank." She grinned hugging him.

"Pff your all wrong. I gots Bob."

Bob started laughing and hugged Jess. "Yeah well I got you."

"Well I win! I have Bert!" Gerard cried and they laughed.

At that moment Bert came in and headed straight for Gerard.

"Kiss!" Mikey cried and the three couples kissed.

The END.
November 1st, 2007 at 03:44am