Judge me...

Um, hi... this is just something I wrote, It was supposed to be a story but it just ended up in being a bunch of options about judging people... I don't know where to post it... so I just posted it here... Hope you'll read and like it

What is life? Is it really worth living? There is pain and misery everywhere. And worst of all, people who treat each other like shit.

We’re all worth the same, everyone, or the most people say that, but still we treat each other so different. We judge each other all the time. I don’t think that people do that on purpose; judge and treat each other different, at least not all of them, it just end up being that way. That’s it.

But it still hurt me so much to see it happen every day. I should be used to it by now, but I think I’ll never really get used to it. It hurts me every single time.

I hear people talk shit behind each others’ back all the time. Why? I know that it feels good to get it out of you and such, but still, you’re still talking behind someone’s back. It’s very not nice and it can hurt someone more than you can image. Be careful with that.

I’m not telling you that I’ve never done that, because that would be a lie. I’m sure that we’ve all done that. But still, it’s wrong. Well, there’s much worse things than that in the world, connected to judging.

Take the Nazism for example. A group of people thought that Jews were less worth than other people and they didn’t just think it, they decided to try to terminate all of them. That’s terrible. But it’s not that I want to talk about. I want to talk about thing that happens every day, not very big things, but small things.

Different groups of people are fighting with each other, they use violence and weapons. Why the hell are they doing that? We’re humans and we all got right to live. I’m not into that gang-stuff and mafias and all that jazz, so I don’t really know how it works there. But it looks like they’re fighting about something. They’re scaring the shit out of people, frightening them and such things, but why? Are they looking for some kind of ‘respect’? I have no idea, but if they’re looking for respect, violence is definitely the wrong way. You only get scared people, and how fun is it having people that are afraid of you instead of making real friends that you can trust. You can never get too much of friends.

It’s not only the international wars countries between that we’ll have to stop for “World peace”. It’s how people see and treat each other. If we don’t change that, the wars will never end. I don’t think that there will be any total world peace ever, because that’s the way we are, humans. We’re full of emotions and get hurt by each other every day. We have to talk behind each other’s back to make us selves feel comfortable and happy with ourselves. Isn’t it the way it is?

I don’t know. That’s only one way to look at it, by thousands of others.

I don’t like to see what the world has become, it makes me cry. I know that there’s so much beauty and so many wonderful people in the world, but still, it just feels so hopeless sometimes. I guess that I’m just another over-emotional, unhappy teen who hates life and all that life involves. Well, if you think that I am that by reading this, you are judging me. I’m fine by that, no, actually not, but I always pretend that I am. I don’t really know why I do that, perhaps to not be even more judge by people when I react on it.

The unfairness in the world really has a great effect on me. I don’t know if I’m supposed to care about it, I mean I can’t change it on my own. But since it hurt me that much and affects so many other people; I guess I should, and I also should try to deal with it, try to do something about it. I think we all should. We can’t exterminate it, it doesn’t work that way, but we could still try to think a bit more about how we’re actually treating others.

I just wish that people could stop judging each other by appearance, reputations and all such things and get an own vision of a human. Because it’s the way we see a person is really unique; no one else can see a person exactly the same way you see the same person. We all get different experiences about a certain person and we all make our own option about that person. So, please, try to change the way you look at people. I don’t say that everyone has to; some people really don’t need to do that. Well I guess that you self know if you need to change it or not; no one know you as well as yourself.

If one single person actually makes an attempt to try changing the way of seeing other persons by writing this, I’m happy. With happy I mean really happy. Because that means that I’ve done something good in my life, that I’ve done something to make a change.

Thank a lot for reading. That really means a lot to me. <3
Comments are really welcome ;)
November 1st, 2007 at 07:18am