Happy Halloween!

Or should I say, All Hallow's Eve? Or, perhaps Samhain [sah-wane] is more appropriate?


A video featured on MSN.com I figured would be a cool thing to spread around. It shows off the origins of the holiday. It's pretty cool. And not very long, don't worry!

But, if you don't feel like watching this wicked cool video, I'll put it to you in simpler terms.

Halloween originated from the Celts in Northern Ireland, where it was called Samhain. Then some guy decided that he had to make the day after All Saints Day or something like that to convert people to Christianity. But of course, nobody wanted to transfer their much-loved holiday. So, when the potato famine hit Ireland and they all came to the US, guess what came with them!
November 1st, 2007 at 09:03am