NATHANAEL AUSTIN PARRISH June 16 1990 - November 5 2007

My friend Nathan committed suicide the other day in his back woods. He shot himself and I didn't find out until this morning. People keep giving me hugs and telling me that it's going to be okay. Well it's not! He's gone and he's not coming back! I didn't know him really really well but I did know him well enough that he left a permanent impression in my memory. I'm worried about my big brother. They were best friends and DJ isn't here today and I am soooo freakin' worried about him it's not funny. It's not fair! Nathan shouldn't have had to feel that way! He seemed so happy...I just talked to him Saturday on MySpace...he told me goodbye...but I didn't think he meant it like that.

He called several of his friends and told them "If you want to stop me, you better hurry up" A lot of people went to my bro's house yesturday and the first thing DJ said to his friend Steven was "He promised"

Over the summer my brother and Steven found Nathan trying to committ suicide and they made him promise that he wouldn't try it again.

Everything's a lie...

November 7th, 2007 at 02:22am