Career Day & Garage Sale Part I

So, today was Career Day at school. It sucked compared to last year. Almost all the speakers put me to sleep. They literally told us:
1) Take as many hard courses as possible. If you fail, that's okay! It looks good on your resume.
2) Like to dance? Sing? Great. But you'll never make it, so throw that aside and be a lawyer instead.
3) Hard? Hard? School is supposed to be hard. We're supposed to make you strain and be under stress because afterward everything will be happy sunshine and rainbows.
4) College is really hard to get into. It's super competitive. Less than half of you will make it! And most people will end up on the streets, but oh well. Sucks for them.
5) Being a lawyer is the solution to all of life's problems. Really.
6) Get the best education possible. Because when you die, all that matters is whether or not you know z=y2(6v3).

In other news, my family and the family across the alley are having a garage sale. I remember when I was a ltitle kid, I always wanted to have a garage sale. But now, I realize it's not very fun. We all had to bust major ass to get everything in place, like a giant video camera, a power saw, a treadmill (from upstairs) and about eight years' worth of unopened art projects, along with other random crap no one's going to want. If anything, though, it should be interesting tomorrow.
November 10th, 2007 at 10:58am