Random Questions 'cos I can't find a Random Questions thing...

Is the plural of "goldfish", goldfishes or goldfishi? 'Cos Octopus becoms Octopi... like hippoes (or should that be hippi??)

Anyway... on a less random topic because these have to be serious I think I'm going to talk about my life in general to bore you all.

... I'm not sure I have anything to say about my life. Damn. Oh just go read my stories and tell me how "Leave Out All The Rest" should continue 'cos I'm clueless about it.

Why are we encouraged to label people? I mean, think about it, all the way through your school life you're told that you're "hardworking", "conscientious", "friendly" ya know what they say about you in your report cards... and in language classes your always made to describe people in three words or something stupid. Why? Isn't that just encouraging us to pick faults in people and label them? Encouraging us to become picky and cynical about people, saying things about people and thinking about it and stuff... maybe I should sleep more...
November 11th, 2007 at 06:59pm