my second idiot journal that is not fit for human eyes

~*sidenote, this isn't exactaly made to be seen by anyone. it's just a collaberation of all my thoughts and feelings as thay happen. if you're lost, well, that's just too bad for you, isn't it? pardon spelling and grammer issues.*~

I'm deathly bored and supposed to be doing chores, so I have decided to talk about stuff on here. Arn't you soooooo happy that I chose to journal is so public a place, perfectaly laid out at your fingertips, just waiting to be viewed by some bored person with nothing else to do hopeing to be relieved of their boredom? Well, just as a heads up, this won't help. You will sink into such a boredom-induced stupor that you will wake up in a hospital, revived by a nurse from a comma. I have given you fair warning. Procead at your oun risk. *spooky music*

Sooo... getting back to the origional point of this whole thing, I love MCR. For all the musicaly deprived people out there, that stands for My Chemical Romance. (I felt honor-driven to slip that in there, I really can't see how anyone can live on this Earth and not know who those amazing five are.) I will not say that MCR has saved my life, because I'm sure that something else would have, but I whole-heartedly admit that they have helped me a lot. Not to mention, they are INCREDIBLY HOT!!!!!! God, I sound like a teenie. But the fact is that I am. Oh well.

No one really appreciates Ray. He (and his fro!) are amazing. And he is the best guitarist in the band. He is amazing in Cancer and Dead! The others may be hotter, but their hair has never eatten anyone... yet.

OMG! The music vidieos for WttBP and FLW are crazy-amazing (phrase trademarked by my sister). The pyrotechnics in FLW are amazing! YAY! And STARVE TO DEATH IN A LAND OF PLENTY is an amazing slogan (I say amazing too much, sorry!). My sister is super cool!!! I love her soooooooooo (ect.) much! jkl;sdfl;vjkasdeo;rkjno; asdvif m,. ...sorry my sister won the keyboard in a hostile takeover. I'm back! *in a sing-song voice* Aren't you sooooo happy? You know you are! *SPAZ MOMENT* Soooooooooooooooo..... MCR is amazing. Hear them sing. With the voice of a thousand angels. *sigh*

That's about all I have to say for now. Which, when I think about it, is quite a lot. Yeah... so...

November 12th, 2007 at 08:16am