a small anecdote, i guess.

rant // the other day my friend said somethign along the lines of, " Live life to the fullest. Cherish every day like it's your last. Tomorrow you could get hit by a bus, and would you be happy with the way you've lived your life ?

that's such bullshit. life is long. yeah, maybe i'm saying that because i'm a teenager, and in actuality when i'm eighty i'll be thinking that it was short. but even though the Earth has been around for billions of years, seventy five is still long. you're probably not going to get hit by a bus tomorrow, and you're going to have to live with the choices and mistakes you've made for the next sixty years.

i hate this town. everyone is rich and bitchy and if you don't look exactly the same as everyone else, you're shunned from society. it's such a bubble town. i miss jersey and the lower east side in nyc and philly. my mom always yells at me and says i'm fortunate and lucky and i shouldn't complain. yes, it's true that i have a roof over my head and food on my plate and clothes on my back and all that. but i'm convinced this place is killing me. time goes by so fuckign slow here. nothing happens.

i can't wiat till i'm 18 to get the hell out of here. =/
November 12th, 2007 at 09:04pm