I'm not scared of being grounded anymore.

I've realized that the worst my parents will do is kick me out.
And actually,
that would be wonderful.

I'm not afraid to dye my hair and pierce my nose without my mother's permission anymore. I just don't care. Because really, what do they have to ground me from?

But, all I do is go to school, go on the computer, eat, sleep, and repeat.
What are they gonna do, take away my camera?
No Katy, you're not allowed to go outside and do something productive because you dyed your hair brown!

Yeah, they can ground my from my compy for a week or two.
Big deal.
I'll survive.

And really,
it's dying my hair and getting a nose ring.

It's not like I'm asking for baby clothes because I got pregnant.

I mean,
I want those two things,
and more money to put in my college fund for Christmas and Channukah.

so, yeah.

November 13th, 2007 at 10:36am