Sums Us Up...

I think this scenario sums us up:

We were walking home from a long day [of laughing at stupid things!] of school, and were unsuspecting of what could be waiting for us right round the corner!

A lorry pulls into a nearby company entrance. The side of the lorry reads:
"Putting POP In Its Place!"

On the side, it also said "Fulfilment" as a bullet point!

We cannot stop laughing for literally 15 minutes and the people in front of us give us stange looks while we are doubled over having hysterics uncontrollably!

That was a great 15 minutes!


N.B. By "us", I meant me and Natalie who share this account. Yes, us co-owners of this account are literally CRAZY! =] And easily pleased + amused! hahahahahaha!

Tasha xx

P.S. As we share this account, we will both write different materials and journal entries so we can be differentiated by the T or the N

November 14th, 2007 at 11:01pm