Things to do before i die....

1. Drive down Route 66 in a crappy old campervan
2. Learn to knit
3. Knit a scarf
4. Go zorbing
5. Road tour of America
6. Get kicked out of a music festival by running on stage
7. Get on Jerry Springer [not a sexual way you dirty minded little creature!]
8. Dress up as a Frube
9. Stand outside Pizza Hut with a sign saying 'No Pizza'
10. Run into Pizza and freak out like a demented woman about there being no pizza
11. Own chickens
12. Dye hair every different colour i can get my paws on
13. Get bitten by a duck
14. Acquire a phobia of sponges
15. Start a huge food fight in a really posh restuarant
16. Nail jelly to a tree
17. Get taped to a wall
18. Grow a beard [haha lmao]
19. Teach a big group of 5yr olds Smiths songs
20. Bring back 'Whose line is it anyway?'

anyone got any suggestions?
[all valid]
November 16th, 2007 at 01:22am