Jeffree<3 and whatnot

Happy Birthday Jeffree Star! <33 Hope you have a god one!

Anyway...I can't jus tpost that whatnot. so i need to have filler. =\ blah.

I've been good latley. Trying to get plans organized for the Taste of Chaos tour....still have no clue about anything only whos headlinging (Atreyu--one of my friends favorite bands) and A7X is playing so i must see them. indeed.

we have this X-mas dance thing coming up and i really wanna go with some one (i know whoo) but i cant ask them (i dont have the balls to) and i know for sure he wont ask me. so im slightly upset about that but not too too much because i never expected he would. so yeah.

hmm maybe this is a 100 words now? hopefully because im done with this. So long! < 3
November 16th, 2007 at 07:22am